วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

[Linux Container] - Basic Linux Container Command



sudo snap install lxd
sudo lxd init
sudo usermod --append --groups lxd sarankon

การจัดการเกี่ยวกับ Container

# Create new container
lxc launch images:<alias-name> <container-name>
lxc launch images:alpine/3.10 alpine

# List the list of container 
lxc list 

# Show the info of container, *snapshot show here!
lxc info <container-name>

# Start and Stop container
lxc start <container-name>
lxc stop <container-name>

# Delete container
lxc delete <container-name>
lxc delete <container-name> --force

# Run command in container
lxc exec <container-name> -- <command>
# Run apt update command
lxc exec <container-name> -- apt update
# Use bash in container
lxc exec <container-name> -- bash

# Use default editor to edit file in container
lxc file edit <container-name>/<path/file.txt>

# Push file to container
lxc file push <file> <container-name>/<path>

# Create snapshot 
lxc snapshot <container-name> <snapshot-name>

# Restore snapshot
lxc restore <container-name> <snapshot-name>

# Delete snapshot
lxc delete <container-name>/<snapshot-name>

# Create container from snapshot
lxc copy <container-name>/<snapshot-name> <new-container-name>
# lxc start <container-name> // after create from snapshot

การจัดการเกี่ยวกับ Images

# Show the list of remote server

lxc remote list
|      NAME       |                   URL                    |
| images          | https://images.linuxcontainers.org       |
| local (default) | unix://                                  |
| ubuntu          | https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases |
| ubuntu-daily    | https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily    |

# lxc image list <remote-name>

# Default is local, not have to type
lxc image list
lxc image list local:

lxc image list images:
lxc image list images: | grep -C1 -i centos

lxc image copy images:<alias-name> local: --alias <alias-name>
lxc image delete <alias-name>

# Publish, Export and Import
lxc publish <container-name>/<snapshot-name>
lxc image export <alias-name> <path>
lxc image import <tar.gz file> --alias <alias-name>

# tar ball 'tar.gz' structure
# metadata.yaml, rootfs, templates (hostname.tpl, hosts.tpl)

การสร้าง Remote Host

# Host 1
lxc remote list

# Host 2
lxc config set core.https_address "[::]:8443"
lxc config set core.trust_password <password>

# Host 1
lxc remote add <remote-name> <ip-address> --password=<password>

lxc list <remote-name>
lxc image list <remote-name:>

